Dr. Adizes regularly posts blog articles on a variety of topics that are designed to enlighten, challenge, and get you thinking. Select a category to explore.

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July 26, 2024

Excerpts from "Leading The Leaders"

A PaEi Entrepreneur knows what he wants and why he wants it … He has an idea and a purpose, and he can translate that idea into reachable and achievable outcomes. His creativity is focused on making the idea a reality … Ideas without results annoy him, and results that are not born out of BIG ideas are a waste of time.


July 19, 2024

The Difference between Trust and Respect

In common conversations, we often use trust and respect interchangeably as if they are synonyms. Not so. Let me explain.


July 12, 2024

What is Home?

Today I left Israel and took the flight to go home. My flight was taking me to Santa Barbara to my beautiful house, on a ranch, but was it my “home”?


July 5, 2024

What Israel is NOT doing but must to survive

Dr. Adizes uses the lifecycle theory to explain the specific problems that Israel has.


June 28, 2024

Israel (Continued)

There is a war going on in Gaza. So far, it has lasted eight months, with the Palestinians holding abducted Israelis in their hands. Some are old people. Some women have been gang raped. Some babies are dying in captivity.


June 21, 2024

Solving the Palestinian Problem

Israel has been in a very painful, costly, conflict with the Palestinians for over 75years, as both are trying to cause each other’s demise and, in the process, committing a joint suicide. Who should solve the problem?