
Peruse photos of Dr. Adizes interacting with world leaders, presenting at major conferences, receiving awards and honorary degrees, and meeting with his staff at the Adizes Institute Worldwide. The breadth of influence he has built throughout his professional life focuses on advancing leadership development and strategic vision and reaches all corners of the world.

The Holmes Report, 2017

One of the Best Communicators Among World Leaders


With Tony Blair

Friendly photo with Tony Blaire, former Prime Minister of the United Kingdom.

With Mr. Karim Massimov

With Mr. Karim Massimov Prime Minister of Kazakhstan.

May, 2014

India, Hearfulness Ashram

With Heartfulness guide Daaji Kamlesh D Patel


The American Cup, 1983

Alan Bond thanking for the help in wining the American Cup

September, 1983

Tirana (Albania), 2019

Albania, 2019. The President, Ilir Meta, awarded Dr. Ichak Kalderon Adizes with the title of "Grand Master"

October 18, 2019

YPO-WPO, Executive Educational Seminar

YPO-WPO, Executive Educational Seminar

March, 2015

Playing the accordion

I love to play the accordion

Adizes Institute Conventions

Worldwide Adizes Institute Conventions

The Ceremony of Conferring the Honorary Doctorate

The Ceremony of Conferring the Honorary Doctorate of the University of Sarajevo upon Prof. Dr Ichak Adizes

October 29, 2010

St. Petersburg (Russia), 2019

St. Petersburg, 2019, Synergy Global Forum, Audience - 50000!

October 4, 2019